Cloudscape Brazil 2018 & Workshop on Cloud Networks

The 5th edition of Cloudscape Brazil is dedicated to trusted technologies that are stimulating innovation across distinct market sectors. 

The event will be combined with the 3rd edition of the Workshop on Cloud Networks (WCN), an academic event organized by the EUBrasilCloudForum project which, since 2016, has had the main goal of creating a new Special Interest Group (SIG) within the Sociedade Brasileira de Computação (SBC) on Cloud Computing – an action that may enhance future research cooperation between Brazil and Europe. Both Cloudscape Brazil and WCN are part of the programme of the CSBC 2018.


– Cloudscape Brazil 2018, 25th July, Sala 12: the agenda of the 5th edition of Cloudscape Brazil is dedicated to “Trusted Technologies for strong and competitive economies”, to demonstrate how new technology trends and novelties are stimulating innovation in different business sectors.

– WCN, 26th July, Sala 12: the 3rd edition of WCN aims to create a new SIG within SBC on Cloud Computing -an action that will enhance future research cooperation between Brazil and Europe.

Cloudscape Brazil 2018 not only aims to promote business partnerships between EU-BR SMEs and Researchers, but also discuss how EU and Brazil will work together to exploit a joint-digital market and be an active player in worldwide landscape.


European & Brazilian Startups, SMEs and Industry experts: to maximise visibility through a PITCH to a global audience, network with potential partners, know about technologies that can bring innovation to their businesses and be aware of next policy priorities in ICT between Europe and Brazil, to exploit the digital market within both regions.


– Submit a Demo: showcase your solutions, products or services in a dedicated session of Cloudscape Brazil and in a dedicated space at CSBC. Maxmize visibility with a global audience and engage potential adopters and partners. Submit your demo now!

– Submit a Position Paper: choose 1 topic from our list and share your thoughts about the selected topic. You may be invited to presented your paper in a dedicated session at WCN on 26th July. After Cloudscape Brazil, your paper wil be distributed to ATMOSPHERE community. Submit your Position Paper now!

– Submit a Poster: showcase your work to CSBC delegates. Share your ideas, research or project developments, results and successful outcomes to event participants. Submit your poster now!